Disc scheduling is an important process in operating systems that determines the order in which disk access requests are serviced. The objective of disc scheduling is to minimize the time it takes to access data on the disk and to minimize the time it takes to complete a disk access request.
Sistem Operasi – 17 – Performance, Storage Devices.
Advances in computer technology have mostly concentrated on processing power and not much on the I/O and storage component. This is why the CPU and GPU have advanced in leaps and bounds while system storage like the hard disk drive has only advanced moderately.
Sistem Operasi – 16 – Memory 4: Demand Paging Policy
Demand paging policy determine which pages should only be brought into memory if the executing process demands them. This article learn how this process happen and available algorithm to implement.
Sistem Operasi – 15 – Memory 3: Demand Paging
Demand paging is a method of virtual memory management. In a system that uses demand paging, the operating system copies a disk page into physical memory only if an attempt is made to access it and that page is not already in memory (i.e., if a page fault occurs).
Sistem Operasi – 14 – Memory 2: Caching
Cache adalah komponen perangkat keras atau perangkat lunak yang menyimpan data sehingga permintaan di masa mendatang untuk data tersebut dapat dilayani lebih cepat.
Sistem Operasi – 13 – Memory 1: Address Translation and Virtual Memory
Sebuah metode memory management yang menyediakan ilusi kepada program akan adanya dedicated memory, dan memory yang sangat besar (virtually unlimited)
CRUD API with java spring and MongoDB
In this Spring Boot tutorial, you will learn how to create a spring boot API connected with Mongo DB using spring data MongDB.
Use of JavaScript as domain-specific language on Java Application
JavaScript serves as an ideal choice for implementing customer-specific business logic in Java applications. By utilizing JavaScript as a domain-specific language (DSL), developers can easily tailor and customize the application’s behavior to meet the unique requirements of individual customers.
Lesson Learned from Domain-Driven Design Book
Domain-driven design is an approach to software development that emphasizes understanding the business domain and creating a model of the domain that can be used to guide software development. This approach has gained popularity because it can help developers build more effective and maintainable software systems.
Domain-Driven Design by Example
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an approach to software development that emphasizes understanding and modeling the business domain of an application. By focusing on the domain, DDD aims to create software that better reflects the needs and goals of the business, and that is more maintainable and adaptable over time.